Thursday, May 3, 2018

Christianity in the Pax Romana

Christianity in the Pax Romana

- A new religion in the empire
- Christianity: roots
- It all begins with Jesus.....

  • Most of what we know of Jesus comes from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  • "Gospel" means "good news"

Who's Jesus?

- Jesus was a Jewish itinerant preacher in Judea who set himself apart from the other "Messiahs"
- Jesus taught God's personal relationship to each human being
- Message of love

More Roots

- Jesus' followers believed he was the "Messiah" who had come to end the world and bring the truly faithful into the Kingdom of God
- Jesus was believed to be both man and the son of God; both human and divine 
- Jesus was deemed a threat to Roman rule and was crucified, though his followers believed he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven
- The 12 followers of Jesus who attempted to spread the word of his teachings were known as apostles 

Start Spreading the News

- Paul of Tarsus was a Jew who became a follower of Jesus after a miraculous vision on the road to Damascus 
- Paul talked of "predestination" which meant that God chose who was to be saved and who was to be damned 
- Paul was well-traveled, he helped find churches in many places, and he kept in touch with these new Christians by letters (Corinth, Thessalonia, Rome, Ephesus)

From outlaw to cult to actual religion 

- "A reading from the letter of Paul to the....."
  • Romans
  • Corinthians 
  • Ephesians 
  • Philippians  
  • Colossians 
  • Thessalonians 
  • Hebrews 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Emperors Attempt Reform

Emperors Attempt Reform

- In A.D. 284, Diocletian, a strong-willed army leader, become the new emperor
- He divided the empire into the Greek-speaking East (Greece, Anatolia, Syria, and Egypt) and the Latin-speaking West (Italy, Gaul, Britain, and Spain)
- When he retired in AD 305 his plans for succession failed
- Civil War broke out immediately
- Constantine gained control of the western part of the empire in AD 312
- He moved the capitol from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium (what is now called Turkey)
- Constantinople: the city of Constantine

The Western Empire Crumbles

- Around AD 370, all that changed when a fierce group of Mongol nomads from central Asia, the Huns, moved into the region and began destroying all in their paths
- Romans called all invaders "barbarians" (a term that they used to refer to non-Romans)
- In 444, they united for the first time under a powerful chieftain named Attila
- The last Roman emperor, a 14-year-old boy named Romulus Augustus

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Fall of the Roman Empire

The Fall of the Roman Empire

- The end of the reign of the emperor Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 161-180) marked the end of two centuries of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana
- Hostile tribes outside the boundaries of the empire and pirates on the Mediterranean Sea disrupted trade
- The economy soon suffered from inflation, a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise in prices
- Eventually, serious food shortages and disease spread, and the population declined
- Over time Roman soldiers in general had become less disciplined and loyal
- To defend against the increasing threats to the empire, the government began to recruit mercenaries, foreign soldiers who fought for money

Emperors Attempt Reform

Christianity in the Pax Romana

Christianity in the Pax Romana - A new religion in the empire - Christianity: roots - It all begins with Jesus..... Most of what we k...