Monday, October 30, 2017

Measuring Population

More notes from Thursday:

- Chad has terrible access to good, clean water
- Many diseases are common in poor countries like Chad

Notes from Today:

- Crude birth rate: number of births per thousand of population
- Crude death rate: number of deaths per thousand of population

- Rate of natural increase (RNI)
- Produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate
- This gives us the annual natural growth rate - in percentage form - for a country or region
- But don't forget about migration!

More measurements of population

- Net Migration Rate: the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year

- An excess of persons entering the country is net immigration
- Written as a positive number
- Example: Canada has 5.65 migrants per thousand population
- United States: 2.45 (it was 3.62 in 2015)

- An excess of persons leaving the country is net emigration
- Written as a negative number
- Example: Mexico has -1.68 migrants per thousand population -3.61 two years ago, -3.11 last year

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