Monday, October 2, 2017

Regional and Cultural Landscape

        In class today we took some notes, talked about the notes we took and got our pop-quizzes back.
When we took the notes, I had a really hard time focusing because it was the last period of the day and I had a massive headache plus I was sweating in my onesie. I also thought I did a pretty good job on the quiz we took but I ended up getting a B. I got three wrong because I switched two terms and the other one I just guessed on. 


- the sense of place that humans possess may apply to a larger area of Earth
Region: an area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics.
- can be really big or really small
- several neighboring countries that share important features
- many localities 

Cultural landscape: an area fashioned from nature by a cultural group.
- combination of both physical and human characteristics 

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