Thursday, December 7, 2017


      In class today, Mr Schick wasn't in school so we had a sub and we had to go to room 124. The good thing is that our test is not going to be before exams on Monday and we got the whole period to study for exams. I made a Quizlet and started adding the answers and questions on previous tests and quizzes. I also made some questions from the notes in my copybook and added them in the Quizlet. During my free mod I am going to check all my blogs and see if I have any extra notes to add or important information that should definitely be included. I am a little nervous about exams, some more than others, but I started studying on Monday and I have gotten far but Biology is taking a while because there is so much info. We also haven't gotten a review sheet in that class and that is the one I really wanted early.

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