Wednesday, January 31, 2018


     In Western Civilization, we got back our pop-quizzes and took some more notes about democracy and Cleisthenes.

Notes: A New Form of Government

- What Cleisthenes did was a huge step forward- getting "regular folks" involved in governing. But this first democracy had its limits.

- Citizens could participate - but only one-fifth of Athenians were citizens (free adult male property owners born in Athens)

- After several years, Athens practiced a direct democracy

This Was What Direct Democracy Looks Like

- It's where the state (or in this state, the city-state) is ruled by its citizens
- Rule is based on citizenship
- Majority rule decides vote
- In the agora, citizens argued, made speeches, then voted with white stones (yes) / black stones (no)
- It was first practiced in Athens under Cleisthenes by around 500 BCE

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