Friday, March 23, 2018

Alexander's Empire

Alexander's Empire:

1. Philip Builds Macedonian Power
- Philip is Alexander's dad and King of Macedonia
- King of Macedonia who invaded Greece and won
- He was going to conquer Persia, but he was murdered

2. Alexander names himself king at 20 years old
- Alexander defeats Persia
- When young, he was tutored by Aristotle
- He relied on the Iliad
Alexander vs Darius:
- Alexander is outnumbered by Darius's army, but wins anyways
- crowned Pharaoh in 332 BC, he told them he was a God
- Alexander's army moves east to Mesopotamia. Darius's army outnumbered him again with a HUGE army. Battle at Gaugamela. Alexander used phalanx, and won. Again.
- Alexander continues east to Persepolis, and burned it to the ground (and took money/gold)

3. Alexander's Other Conquests 
- Now reigned as an unchallenged ruler of Southwest Asia
- 326 BC Hydaspes River: defeats India
- Been fighting for 11 years and marched 11,000 miles. So the army turned home.
- 323 BC the army reached Babylon and Alexander settled down there. It says that Alexander became seriously ill with a fever and died a few days later but other historians thought that he could've been murdered or died from other diseases but his body was never found.

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