Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Hellenistic Culture cont.

Hellenistic Culture

Philosophy and art:

- Epicureanism and stoicism (Greek philosopher named Zeno): founded the school of philosophy
- founded the school of thought
- Epicurus taught that the gods had no interest in humans ruling the universe
- Today, the word epicurean means a person who is devoted to pursuing human pleasures, especially the enjoyment of good food

Realism in Sculpture:

- Rulers, wealthy merchants, and cities all purchased statues to honor gods, commemorate heroes, and portray ordinary people in everyday situations
- Colossus of Rhodes: a bronze statue more than 100 ft high, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
- Hellenistic culture moved away from the harmonic balance and idealized forms of the classical age
- 150 BC the Hellenistic world was in decline
- Rome was growing and gaining strength

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