Tuesday, August 29, 2017

First Day of School

       The first day of school was a little wild. I got to my locker without being trampled and pushed around and it only took two tries to open my locker. Walking to first period wasn't bad either but I felt like a tiny fish surrounded by big sharks. But once I entered the classroom with other freshmen, I felt safer. The only thing that bothers me is that my locker is on the third floor and is all the way at the end on the opposite side of my classes. I end up running to my locker and then running back to the class just to be on time. Besides the running, everything is great. All my teachers are really nice and I know mostly everyone in my classes. The only classes that confuses me is German because I have never learned German in my life and the only word I know is Guten Tag. However, I am loving high school so far and I hope I have a great year.

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