Wednesday, August 30, 2017

About the Syllabus

    Today we learned where Mr Schick is located outside of the classroom, what materials we need, and some rules in class. We also checked to make sure our blogs were posted and watched how Vlad was struggling with getting his blog up and sending an email..... but the email worked! Mr Schick is usually in room 121, the TV Studio in the Fine Arts Wing otherwise he is teaching a class in room 114. Some materials we need to bring includes our personal computer which should be fully charged in class, a composition book that we write in everyday, a pen or pencil, and a positive attitude that shows us willing to learn. We should never ask for extra credit because we will not receive any. But if we work hard in class we won't need any. Some other important notes I wrote down were about the final exam in December that I need to prepare for and just the grading list for quizzes, tests, projects, etc. We must turn everything in and everyday it's late we lose 10% which drops a whole letter grade!

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