Monday, September 25, 2017

Checking Blogs and Reviewing Worksheets

      Today in class we checked everyone's blogs and reviewed each other's answers on the map worksheets. Mr. Schick told me my blogs were good except one blog but that was because I just wrote, Class and then the date. While everyone else was being called up, I double-checked all my blogs and looked at the grades I got for them. After that, we got out our worksheets and started checking the maps. In the middle of checking, Mr. Schick noticed we forgot to say the prayer and then started talking about where his mind went to remember it. Once we finally said the prayer, we continued going over our maps. I got all of the correct answers on the first page but missed one or two on the second page. If the second paper had better options it probably would've been a lot easier to put the right parts in the right spaces.

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