Friday, September 22, 2017

Mental Maps and Activity Space

         In Honors Human Geography class, we learned abut why each point on Earth is unique and on the day I missed class, we learned about mental maps.

Tuesday 9/19/17

Mental Map- is a person's point-of-view perception of their area of interaction, most commonly called your activity space.

-No one has a totally accurate view of the world. Everyone has a subconscious view of the world.

Thursday 9/21/17

Why is each point on Earth unique?

Place: Unique Location of a Feature
Regions: Areas of Unique Characteristics
Spatial Association

-Each place on Earth is in some respects unique and in other ways similar to other places. The interplay between the uniqueness of each place and the similarities among places lies at the heart of geographic questioning about why things are found where they are. Two basic concepts help geographers to explain why every point on Earth is in some way unique - place and region. The difference between the two concepts is partly a matter of scale: a place is a point, whereas a region is an area.

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