Friday, September 15, 2017

Map Discussion

    Map Throwdown!

       Today in our extremely hot and sweaty class, we focused on two different types of maps: the Mercator Map and the Peters Projection Map. We focused on some differences between them like how they are both different colors and the Peters Projection Map looks more spread out. Even though the Mercator Map isn't the most accurate map unlike the Peters Projection Map, people still mostly use the Mercator Map today. We also looked at why we couldn't have had the map turned upside down and there is no logical reason why we can't switch it, but everybody just learned it that way. I prefer the Mercator Map because I like how it looks better than the Peters Projection Map and the Mercator Map is a lot more colorful. I really want to see how the map looks upside down, with the words the same way as the others!

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