Monday, September 18, 2017

Class Today 9/18

        Today in class we learned nothing. We go to do our homework which I prefer to do in every class. I almost finished my math homework but it was so complicated and boring I had to stop. Now I am blogging for Human Geography homework so that I don't have to blog later. After blogging I will probably finish the math homework and then shop online or watch Netflix. The only other homework I have to do is study for Intro to Bible but I like to study for quizzes at home because I get too distracted at school. Besides that I have practice at 4:30 and have to stay at school until then and it ends at six. I also have a game tomorrow and i'm super excited about that!! We play NDP and it's an away game so I have to leave this class early tomorrow. Hopefully Jamie will fill me in on what we learned.

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