Sunday, October 8, 2017


In class on Friday, we took a lot of notes that are from the teacher's blog and we had big discussions about each topic.


- a geographic coordinate system is a coordinate system used in geography that enables every location on Earth to be specified by a set of numbers, etc.

- the geographic grid is a system of imaginary arcs drawn in a grid pattern on Earth's surface.

- Meridians are arcs drawn between the North and South poles. Each is numbered, according to a system known as longitude

- Parallels are arcs down parallel to the equator and at right angles to meridians. Each is numbered according to a system known as latitude

Maybe a Test Question: What is the difference between parallels and meridians?

Latitude: Ladder
Longitude: Long

- Equator: 0 degrees
- Tropic of Cancer: 23.5 degrees north
- Tropic of Capricorn: 23.5 degrees south
- Prime meridian: 0 degrees longitude
- Arctic Circle: 66.5 degrees north
- Antarctic circle: 66.5 degrees south

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