Thursday, October 12, 2017

Pop-quiz and CIA

     Today in class, we took a pop-quiz sadly and then learned about this website online that we can view for important information about different types of countries. The pop-quiz was based on everything we learned last week and I am pretty sure I got the last four wrong. I do not have photographic memory which would really come in handy especially since I am not very good with my United States states ever since I first learned about them. I can sort of put them in their position using north, south, east, and west but not for every state. I usually get the middle mixed up with east and west especially since on the quiz one question asked for midwest. At that moment, I knew I was doomed. After the pop-quiz we learned about the CIA website which has basically everything important about a country. For example: population or death/birth rate. So if I need to learn about a country I know nothing about, i'll use that website.....

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