Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)


TFR: the average number o children born per woman

- for a population to remain the same, the TFR must be 2.1
- higher than 2.1: the population rises
- lower than 2.1: the population falls

World TFR: 2.42 (it was 2.54 two years ago, 2.47 last year)
United States TFR: 2.01 (it was 2.06 last year)
Nigeria TFR: 6.89 (developing nation)(high death rate)
Japan TFR: 1.40 (developing nation, aging population)

Part 1: Twenty Questions:

1. What is the population of the United States?
- the population of the US is 326,625,791

2. What is the infant mortality rate in the US, and where do we rank?
- 5.8 deaths/ 1,000 live births
- we are ranked number 169

3. Which country has the highest percentage of Catholics: Mexico, Canada, or the United States? What order would it be in?
- Mexico is the highest with 82.7%, Canada is the second highest with 39%, and then the US is the third smallest out of the three with 20.8%

4. What country has the largest population in Africa?
- Nigeria (ranked #7)

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