Monday, November 6, 2017

Population Pyramids

     In class today, Owen brought a very messy cake with nasty icing and no plates, napkins, or utensils. We also had two shadows today, one with Ellie and one with Kelsie. Once we introduced the shadows and everybody got a piece of cake, we reviewed the population PowerPoint and started looking at population pyramids.


- Fact: in just about every country, women live longer than men
- We use population pyramids to analyze growth (or decline) of fertility, mortality, and migration in cities.

Before when we were reviewing the population PowerPoint we came back to TFR because most of us were still confused:

TFR: the average number o children born per woman

- for a population to remain the same, the TFR must be 2.1
- higher than 2.1: the population rises
- lower than 2.1: the population falls

We finally sorted out that 2.1 isn't 2 babies and .1, it's the percent of how many for the population to stay the same

Note: We will have a test in this class some time later this week.

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