Tuesday, November 7, 2017

More About Population Pyramids

    In class today, we got chips and trail mix form Valerie, introduced Ellie's shadow (she has a lot of shadows), and took more notes on the population pyramids PowerPoint. When we first started taking notes, he went too fast so I barely got any on the second slide and I might have missed some at the end of class today because I had to leave for an orthodontist appointment. We will also be having a test on all these notes probably early of next week. I am going to have to study and review all these notes and hopefully I will get any notes I missed on Thursday. Here are a couple notes that I did get:


- there are three basic shapes: an xmas tree, a box, and a cup

the xmas tree (developing nation)
- growth rates are slow
- high birth rate
- short life expectancy
Like? Namibia/Bangladesh

the box (developing nation; slow growth)

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